Sunday, October 31, 2010

In My Mailbox (Lydia)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! It's Lydia and it's time for....In My Mailbox!! Im My Mailbox is a weekly meme started by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. Ok, What Lydia got this week....

And Then I Found Out The Truth by Jennifer Sturman (Sequel to And Then Everything Unravled. You can find my review here)
I really liked the first one, and when I found out that it had a seqeul, I got it out of the library as fast as I could. Hopefully it will live up the the hype in the first one.

Little Blog on the Prairie by Cathleen Davitt Bell
This book looks really, really cute. I loved the Little House books, and a takeoff would be cool, so hopefully this is good.

The Local News by Miriam Gershow
I'm not totally sure if this book is YA or what, but it looks to be good. Plus there's a charachter named Lydia. If you read my last post, you will find out I enjoy books with my name in it. \\

The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June by Robin Benway
Robin Benway wrote Audrey, Wait!, a book which I read this summer, and will hopefully have a review for ASAP. This looks so AWESOME! I love mysterious books, and this looks mysterious. Awesome, right?

The Ghosts of Ashbury High by Jaclyn Moriarty
I love this author. She wrote The Year of Secret Assignments which I loved and reviewed yesterday! Here is the post. So, in this book, it looks like this is a different story, but she brought back Lydia, Emily and Cassie from The Year of Secret Assignments. I love it when authors bring in charachters from their last books (espically when it's not a sequel)! I'm excited for this book!

The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter
I'm not sure if this is a Tenner, Deb or whatever, but halfway through it and it's AWESOME! I can't wait to finish and review it!

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Ok, Zombies are totally my thing right now, and Amy told me this is about zombies, so naturally when I went to Barnes and Noble (alone, which I should add, it not very safe) I had to purchase it. It looks good. I had to go to the eye doctor yesterday (my mom wants me to get contacts), and I tried to read it, but there were two problems with that 1. before I went in there, House was on TV and it's one of my favorite shows, so I had to watch it. and 2. When I came out, the dialation was so bad I couldn't read..

So there's my IMM for this week! What's everyone (who celebrates it) doing for Halloween!? I LOVE Haloween, but this year I might be stuck handing out candy at my aunt's house. She has a new baby, and doesn't want the doorbell ringing all night..Oh well, I'm going to see if some kids let me take pics of their cool costumes! If they let me, I will give them extra candy!!! Also if they let me, I will post some of the cute ones here!
rock on!


  1. Great books:) The Forest of Hands and Teeth sounds so exciting! Here is my mailbox

    And don't forget to check out my giveaway... just click here!

  2. I absolutely LOVE The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June. I wasn't a huge fan of Benway's first novel, but she hit a home run with her second one. Can't wait to see what you think of it. :)

    my blog

  3. Good week.

    Happy reading!
    If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-

  4. You got an awesome haul this week! I want to read at least 3 of the books you got from the library! xD Can't wait to see what you think of them! :)

    Here's my IMM this week! Happy reading!

  5. Can't wait to see what you think of The Forest of Hands and Teeth :) The zombies were AMAZING but the main character was so frustrating.. :(

    Happy Reading!

    Amber -
